5 Toxic or Harmful Foods for Cats
Human foods can be toxic to pets, especially cats. They can cause mild or fatal allergic reactions or bring about feline toxicity, which can cause serious organ failure and even death. Keep reading for the human foods that are most harmful to cats:
1. Bones and raw meat
You may think that it is better to feed your cat raw food since it mirrors the diet of untamed animals. It is true that they may find raw food tasting better, but there is a danger of cross-contamination. Raw meat and bones carry bacteria that can infect your cat and pets with diseases. If the meat and bones are from an unhealthy animal, they can pass that health complication to your cat or pet.
2. Grapes and raisins
Pets love the taste of grapes and raisins. Unfortunately, even a small amount of these fruits can bring about serious feline toxicity and sudden death to your cat. They are known to lead to rapid and acute kidney failure in pets. Most cats do not recover from kidney failure resulting from grapes and raisins toxicity. This is probably because it damages the kidneys rapidly. By the time you get your cat to the vet, the damage is usually irreparable. Symptoms of grapes and raisin toxicity in cats include hyperactivity, vomiting, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, decreased urination, and fever.
3. Raw eggs
Raw eggs contain bacteria called salmonella that inhibits the absorption of vitamins in cats. If you feed your cats or pets frequently, they will develop vitamin deficiency and their immunity will be lowered. It will be easy for them to pick up infections, and they will be sickly. Cooked eggs are a good source of protein for your cat. However, feed your cat on eggs in moderation as they can offset obesity. Your cat can also develop protein allergies if you feed it with too many eggs.
4. Onions and garlic
Onions cause toxicity in pets and cats by harming the red blood cells. Your pets and cats will develop anemia if you feed them with human foods that have onions. Garlic will cause them to develop gastrointestinal complications such as bloating. If your cat has ingested onions or garlic they may become dull, inactive and irritable. Repeated vomiting and diarrhea may be a sign that they have taken food with garlic.
5. Chocolate and caffeine
Chocolate has caffeine, like coffee and tea. Theobromine, the stimulant chemical in caffeine, can result in life-threatening feline toxicity. It is the leading cause of liver failure in cats. The threat to your cat increases with increased consumption of caffeine and substances that have caffeine such as chocolate. A small amount will only cause the cat to be hyperactive. Continued use, however, is harmful. After ingesting caffeine, your cat will manifest symptoms such as vomiting, loose stool, restlessness, fever, and in serious cases, seizure and muscle stiffness.