The Most Successful Hair Loss Treatments

The Most Successful Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss can be a devastating occurrence. Stemming from several potential health conditions, such as a medical condition (i.e., cancer), hormonal changes, medication, heredity, or part of the natural aging process, hair loss and baldness can occur in both men and women and affect the head or almost any part of the body. Heredity (or family history) is often the most common cause of hair loss (i.e., male pattern baldness) when it comes to a receding hairline or the top of your head. And while many individuals, particularly men, let hair loss take it’s natural course (or shave their heads completely), others prefer to opt for one of the following hair loss treatments: 1. Wigs and hairpieces Many balding individuals find comfort in wearing a wig or a hairpiece (i.e, toupee) to cover their heads in the case of permanent or temporary hair loss. Temporary hair loss during cancer treatment can restore the look of natural-looking hair and is often covered under health insurance with a written prescription from a doctor. 2. Hair restoration shampoos While a large majority of over the counter hair loss shampoos don’t work, Minoxidil (or Rogaine) remains the most promising and popular. This product is type of foam shampoo that individuals can apply to the scalp twice daily for about 16 weeks to trigger hair growth and prevent further hair loss.
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Safely Injecting Insulin A Diabetic Guide

Safely Injecting Insulin A Diabetic Guide

According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans living with diabetes or prediabetes well exceeds 100 million. Diabetes results when a patient’s blood sugar level surpasses healthy levels. Diabetes can take the form of type I or type II, however, oftentimes both types require the use of insulin to help manage and keep blood sugar levels under control. Doctors will prescribe insulin under a strict supplementation schedule. Treatment plans for insulin injections can also be prescribed in several forms, taken once daily or several times a day depending on the patient’s need. For example, type 1 diabetes patients often require more frequent injections in order to prevent nerve damage, kidney failure, and lower the risk of a stroke. On the other hand, type 2 diabetic patients, may be prescribed insulin in injectable form in addition to oral medication and lifestyle changes to help manage their condition. It’s important for any patients using injections to use syringes safely, and teach loved ones to administer insulin injections safely in case of an emergency. Insulin injections don’t just come in syringe form. In fact, insulin can be administered safely to diabetic patients in the following form:
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5 Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Constipation

5 Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Constipation

Constipation can be caused by the food that you eat or avoid, your lifestyle choices, medication or diseases if any. For many people, the cause of constipation is usually unknown. This is known as chronic idiopathic constipation. Less than three bowel movements per week are described as constipation. There can be various other unpleasant symptoms as well such as abdominal bloating, discomfort in the washroom, stomach pain due to difficulty in passing stool. Constipation can have a serious negative impact on the quality of life, along with physical and mental health as well. There are many natural treatment and remedies for constipation that  an affected person  can do in the comfort of your own home as listed below: Drink plenty of water Being dehydrated on a regular basis can lead to constipation. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to keep yourself regularly hydrated and drink enough of water. You can try finding relief by consuming carbonate water to help you rehydrate and get things moving again when you are constipated. Dehydration can make you feel constipated, so ensure you consume enough of water. Sparkling water is a great option too! Eat more fiber foods Consuming more soluble fiber especially non-fermentable fiber is one of the effective treatment and remedies for constipation.
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6 Benefits Of Equine Therapy On Drug And Alcohol Rehabilitation

6 Benefits Of Equine Therapy On Drug And Alcohol Rehabilitation

While drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers often offer a consistent goal when it comes to teaching patients how to live a sober lifestyle, the actual rehab settings can range greatly in atmosphere. For instance, some rehab centers offer patients a resort spa setting focused on massage therapy, yoga, meditation, and other forms of self care. While others offer the support of human therapists as well as four-legged friends, offering rehab as part of an equine therapy program that teaches patients how to care for horses as well as themselves. Equine therapy utilizes the use of horses in a therapeutic, rehabilitation setting. Even though working and caring for horses is just a minor focus in this type of treatment facility, equine therapy has shown these benefits when it comes to helping addicted individuals gain control over their lives, especially when other types of rehab treatments have proved unsuccessful: 1. It’s about building connections Equine therapy rehab programs usually allow patients to spend time with a horse for a certain period of time each day while ongoing work continues with addiction counselors and therapists. In both cases it’s about building relationships—with the horse, the counsellors, the therapists, and fellow patients. This bonding and communicating with another living thing helps foster respect, for the animal and themselves, which can greatly sooth withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse.
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Clinical And Home Remedies For Treating Sensitive Teeth

Clinical And Home Remedies For Treating Sensitive Teeth

Taking care of your teeth should be your number one priority when it comes to maintaining your overall health. Here are a few home and clinical remedies that you can benefit from in the long run. Oil pulling A simple treatment for sensitive teeth which involves the use of coconut oil for cleaning your molars. Gargling with extra virgin coconut oil, before brushing your teeth will take care of the sensitivity and will also reduce plaque buildup by rinsing thoroughly. Coconut oil is rich in antibacterial properties to help clean up effectively. Salt water rinse The pH levels in your mouth need to be balanced, which is why a salt water rinse will be an effective treatment for sensitive teeth. Bacteria cannot survive in an alkaline environment, which is why a salt water rinse is recommended before you brush. Cloves Cloves are rich in anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anesthetic properties that will help reduce tooth pain due to sensitivity and fight against some oral infections. Cloves are also rich in analgesic properties, which help effective tackling of toothaches, making it one of the popular options for treatment for sensitive teeth. Raw onion At first, raw onion might sound like a very bad idea since onion has inherent properties that lead to bad breath or what is commonly known as onion breath.
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5 Diet And Lifestyle Tips For Psoriasis

5 Diet And Lifestyle Tips For Psoriasis

Psoriasis, like every other condition, needs medication to be cured; but there are some psoriasis diet and lifestyle tips that can help better the condition. Most doctors are not sure if a change in the diet and lifestyle has a positive impact on the health of a psoriasis patient. Although some believe that nutrition most likely has a positive role to play in betterment during any medical condition. The key is that even if these tips help in improving the condition, the doctors are uncertain about the extent of its help. Read along for some psoriasis diet and lifestyle tips: Adopt a Mediterranean diet : Comorbidities, a condition that includes coronary heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and stroke is quite common condition among people suffering from psoriasis. A Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional dietary patterns from Greece, Spain and Southern Italy. Even if there is no scientific evidence to back this, adopting a Mediterranean is generally considered to be good for the heart, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis and stroke, diabetes, certain cancers and low blood pressure issues. In some cases, if you are unable to adopt a Mediterranean diet you must at least add fish to your diet. Take probiotics :
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Ten Symptoms Of Depression You Should Know Of

Ten Symptoms Of Depression You Should Know Of

Nothing like the usual blues, depression is one of the most misunderstood mental disorders that consistently triggers the feelings of hopelessness and sadness. It can massively affect one’s routine life and lead to a lot of emotional as well as physical problems. Since it doesn’t function like the usual spectrum of moods, depression can be hard to diagnose. This could either be because the changes are subtle, or the person might not be ready to acknowledge the variation due to the stigma. Therefore, to help yourself or your loved ones, you should be aware about the symptoms of depression. Loss of interest –  Of late, a person would have seriously lost enthusiasm for things that they usually cared about. For instance, suddenly, they wouldn’t want to socialize with friends and choose to stay at home. Moreover, they have stopped pursuing their hobbies or interests. Lack of energy –  A person dealing with depression might even find small tasks as cumbersome. This could include daily things like taking a shower, cooking, doing the laundry, etc. Change in appetite –  The patient could either lose their appetite or unexpectedly have amplified cravings for food. Both the cases can negatively influence a person’s weight and overall health.
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Seven Common Symptoms Of Cataracts

Seven Common Symptoms Of Cataracts

Cataracts are cloudy layers that form in the lens of the eye. It is caused when the proteins in the eyes thicken that disrupts the lens from transmitting a clear image to the retina. Usually, most cataracts develop gradually; therefore, you can’t discern its effects right away. Mostly, this condition is common among elderly individuals. In its initial stage, cataracts can be managed with the help of adequate lighting and spectacles. However, eventually, it will tend to interfere with your routine activities. Although, the good part is that you can opt for a surgery which effectively corrects the vision. Symptoms of cataracts Cataracts, in its early stages, could be a difficult to diagnose as they start small and progress slowly. Therefore, of lately if you have been sensing that something is wrong with your vision, watch out for the following symptoms of cataracts. Cloudiness –  Your vision might seem a little blurry and cloudy, and this sign could intensify with time. As a result, you could increasingly find it difficult to manage everyday tasks. Diminished night vision –  Cataracts can lead to poor night vision because of which you can’t spot subtle things in the background. So, during nighttime, it could become extremely problematic for you to drive or move around without switching on the lights.
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Amazing Superfoods that Prevent Breast Cancer

Amazing Superfoods that Prevent Breast Cancer

We often hear about the many foods and habits to avoid to reduce the risk of certain cancers. For instance, patients with a family history of breast cancer are often told by their doctors not to smoke, to exercise vs. be sedentary, and to lose some excess weight if they are obese. You can also do much to lower your risk of breast cancer by eating certain foods. Breast cancer, like other cancers, has many contributing factors (i.e., genetics, age and etc.) that are outside of our personal control. However, medical experts researchers suggest that a healthy diet, featuring these superfoods, may make a real difference when it comes to lowering your personal risk of breast cancer: 1. Soy Although soy and breast cancer have had an infamous past, a 2017 research study published by the American Cancer Society indicates that soy based foods (i.e., soy milk, edamame, tofu, and tempeh) can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Overall, soy is a healthy food as it’s loaded with protein, vitamins, and heart healthy fats that help reduce bad cholesterol (or low-density lipoprotein). 2. Lentils These fiber loaded legumes are loaded in dietary fiber, which is reputed to protect women from developing breast cancer, according to research from the Ida & Joseph Friend Cancer Center, in San Francisco, California.
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Superfoods to Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Superfoods to Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

An estimated 1.3 million Americans suffer with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a progressive autoimmune disease that prompts the immune system to mistakenly attack the joints as it mistakes them for foreign invaders, like bacteria and viruses. The resulting symptoms of RA can be extremely painful and debilitating—including pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of mobility, particularly in the feet, ankles, wrists, and fingers. Fortunately, in addition to treatments prescribed by a medical professional, patients with RA often find a reduction in symptoms when they add certain foods to their diets. The following superfoods are reputed for their anti-inflammatory and rich antioxidant impacts, and may help relieve RA symptoms: 1. Blueberries, blackberries, etc. Blackberries and other black (or dark colored) berries have much in common other than being a great addition to a morning smoothie or fruit salad. Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are actually little inflammation fighters, meaning they contain specific plant compounds, like rutin and quercetin, the carotenoid known as beta-cryptoxanthin and antioxidants, namely anthocyanins, which all work to reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, so says research from the National Arthritis Foundation. 2. Fatty fish If you crave fish on your fork, look to fatty cuts like trout, salmon, sardines, and mackerel.
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