7 tips for repairing your windshield through insurance

7 tips for repairing your windshield through insurance

Any kind of damage to the windscreen of your vehicle can be a depressing incident, not just that, any kind of car damage can be saddening. However, you need to overcome the disappointment and take appropriate measures for repairing the damage. Repairing your car can expensive and, like most of the car owners in the country, you must also have a car insurance to deal with the repairing expenses. However, when it comes to car insurance, you must check everything it covers before accepting the policy as not all types of car insurances cover windshield repairing.

In case, you are lucky to have a car insurance cover for cracked windshield repair, you need to follow some simple steps to make your claim.

  • Make no delay –  This is the first and foremost thing to be taken into account when you are looking to get your cracked windshield repaired through insurance. Inform your insurance company at once and file the claim. Many insurance providers, like GEICO, always prefer prompt reporting of the damage and filing the claim online. Nowadays, most insurance companies have their online portal and you can make your auto repair claim at ease.
  • Know the clauses carefully –  Many tend to delay in filing the auto insurance claim, as you are not confirmed whether your policy would cover the repairing cost for your windshield. If you are also among those who find it difficult to check whether the policy includes windshield repairing claim, you need to check for a Comprehensive Physical Damage Coverage. Here, you will find every detail you need to know regarding the claim.
  • Selecting the repairing shop –  Once you have filed the claim, you need to interact with the agent regarding the repairing details. Depending on your preference, you can get the repairing done in a warehouse of your choice or you can also visit the warehouse recommended by the agent. Until and unless, it is mentioned in the document, there is no need to get the repairing done in any warehouse designated by the agent.
  • Know the terms and conditions in detail –  Before visiting the warehouse, it will be wise for you to understand each and every clause related to the insurance. While some car insurance claims provide the complete repairing or replacement charges, some may bear partial cost only. So, consult your agent and learn everything in detail.
  • Repairing windshield is possible –  Many of you may consider that the smallest crack in the windshield will end up in the entire glass being replaced. However, it is not so. In case of a minute crack or scratch, you can get it repaired and save a significant amount of deductible from your insurance policy.
  • Know the effect of windshield repair on your policy –  Most insurance companies waives the deductibles for smaller repairing works. However, the replacement of a windshield, which is an expensive process, may affect your deductible. So, before making the claim, it will be recommended for you to check for the cost involved in the work and how it will impact your overall policy coverage. In case you cannot calculate everything on your own, contact your agent for help. At times, making claims can increase your premium amount significantly. Therefore, make your claim intelligently and always prefer repairing over replacement. You can also check your car warranty before filing the claim.
  • List all the damages –  In case of multiple damages, you should make sure to provide every detail carefully. Just informing about the windshield damage might not be enough to get the claim settled. Also, you should be honest with every information you provide and never hide the truth from the insurance provider.

Insurances with comprehensive cover mostly include windshield repairing claims while the collision covers may not include this facility. However, you should check it before accepting the policy as it might be difficult for you to change the plan and you may miss some claims even after paying premiums on time.