Check out these 7 outrageous car customizations

Check out these 7 outrageous car customizations

Creativity and imagination has no end. It is also not just restricted to the canvas of an artist. People can now apply their creativeness in different aspects of life. While some artistic works are really impressive, there are others, which at times become outrageous. In the present world of customization, many such outrageous creativity has been witnessed in car designing. While some have made modifications with the engines, others have shown their creativity in the wheels. Some cars also have shocked people with their exterior or interior design ideas. If you have been baffled after seeing any such cars, you can check out some of the most outrageous car customizations ever made in the recent years.

Smart car turned into tank –  If you do not find smart cars to be impressive enough, you can certainly check out the smart car designed as a tank. The owner used his creative brilliance, amazing car accessories, and even used tank tread for re-designing the car. Not just the track or tank, the camouflage paint and interior designing has given it a complete military look. However, to create the perfect magic, it is important to use right kind of car accessories for the vehicle.

Car with wooden wheels –  Do you find wheel repairing and replacement to be a great hassle? If yes, you can certainly take some inspiration from the Skoda Capri 205 car, which runs completely on wooden wheels. While many considered the wooden wheels to be fake and the car was completely stationery, it is not so. The car plies on wooden wheels. However, it is not sure, whether the classic car insurance is applicable for the same or how is the mileage.

Shining Camaro of golden color –  Are you among those people who find donk cars with large wheels to be quite impressive and search for car decals resembling the same style? Well, then you can take a peek at the golden colored camaro on large wheels. It is not just the golden body color of the car that will impress you, the large golden wheels are also expected to catch your attention at once.

Toyota Land Speed Cruiser with 2000 horsepower –  You might find it a bit too shocking, but Toyota actually raised many eyebrows by introducing a Land Cruiser with 2000 Horsepower, a little low than the fastest street cars ever made by Bugatti. Though these types of modifications are possible with the car engines, it might not be quite fruitful as no one will ever require driving a car that is so fast. However, speed lovers may go for it. Make sure to use the right car message sign and best suited auto accessories for these cars.

Alien themed car –  Alien as well as its sequel, Aliens, certainly have some diehard fans worldwide. While many just restricted their fandom with car accessories or car gifts, there are others, who have completely modified the designs of their car with the Alien theme. Although it requires creativity to make such modifications, the design might not appear impressive to all, especially children.

Gold GTR –  Designed by Kuhl Racing, this Gold GTR has received mixed response from sportscars lovers. While some were impressed by the idea of engraving in the golden color body panels, most of them found the design to be absolutely outrageous.

Volkswagen Beetle to a blue turtle –  The car owner must have been quite fond of turtles or else there will be few, who can compare the fast running car of Volkswagen with a turtle. Though the owner must have invested a lot of creativity and hard work for this, it would have been better if owner would have gone for some other car wraps.

Auto gifts, brake light decal, customizable vanity plates, and other car accessories are available online, and you can buy any of them. You can also customize antique cars and give it a grand look. However, do check the antique car insurance or the car insurance you have opted for before making any kind of modification to the vehicle.