The Health Benefits of Lemongrass

The Health Benefits of Lemongrass

The lemongrass is a refreshing herb with several health benefits. Lemongrass is related to the lemon as both have a similar fragrance. Since ancient times, this grass has been regarded as and therapeutic medicine for natural detoxification and for regulating the body’s metabolic functions.

Lemongrass is considered beneficial in treating a number of diseases (i.e., several types of anti-inflammatory diseases and cancers) as it maintains the lipid profile. Read on to discover the many vital health benefits of lemongrass:

1. Anti-inflammatory for gout

The oil extracted from lemongrass is effective in lowering high levels of uric acid as well as chronic inflammation and pain. Thus, lemongrass is often used to treat gout pain caused due to excess uric acid crystal deposits. Reports suggest that the best effect can be achieved if lemongrass oils are extracted directly from the stalk and consumed daily.

2. Relieves stress and anxiety

Lemongrass stalks are often used as part of aromatherapy to enhance mood and reduce stress. Lemongrass scent is also used to help promote sleep.

3. Natural pain-reliever

Lemongrass contains an anti-inflammatory substance known as citral, which is effective in treating chronic inflammation due to arthritis, or gouty arthritis. The oil can be applied or taken orally to reduce the pain and inflammation.

4. Building digestive health

Lemongrass is a cooling agent that is helpful in soothing several digestive ailments and stomach related issues such as constipation, bloat, and indigestion.

5. Prevents indigestion

Lemongrass tea is a good alternative to remediate indigestion and stomach upset aside from Pepto Bismol. Lemongrass if often effective in curbing cramping, gastric ulcers, and protecting the lining of the stomach from ethanol and aspirin.

6. Antioxidant properties

Lemongrass is full of antioxidants that enable the body to fight against the cell damage caused by free radical damage. The citral present in lemongrass oil helps to ease the joint pain and relieves inflammatory reactions in the body. It has been found that oil extracted from lemongrass helps to decrease the pain due to arthritis by as much as 50%.

7. Effective cancer fighter

Researchers have found that breast cancer can be suppressed with the help of lemongrass by re-establishing normal, healthy breast cell functioning. The essential component of the lemongrass has been found to inhibit the mutation of breast cells genes.