The Most Effective Cardio Machines at the Gym
Okay, so you made a new year’s resolution to get fit and maybe lose a few extra pounds. However, when you got to the gym, you were faced with rows upon rows of cardio machines that you’ve never laid eyes on, let alone feet on, before. Will a stationary bike be best for shrinking saddlebags? Is the treadmill your machine for shrinking belly fat? Do you sweat it out on the elliptical to tone your booty? Instead of getting discouraged by a building full of equipment, it’s time to narrow your goal down and focus on a handful of the following effective cardiovascular machines to get the job done:
1. Elliptical
An elliptical machine is a great place to start if your goal is to lose weight across your entire body while also improving endurance. It differs from a traditional treadmill in that it offers more stability with your feet and arms operating streamlined tracks. The elliptical also places a lot less stress (or impact) on your joints, particularly the knees, hips, and ankles, compared to a treadmill. Plus, the pulling of the handles works the entire arm (i.e., forearms, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and even the chest) strengthening your entire core while you enjoy a decent full body, low-impact form of exercise.
2. Treadmill
If you’re looking to shed some unwanted weight while increasing your overall endurance and cardiovascular health the treadmill is your machine. Start slow and lower your chance of an injury by warming up for 5 minutes in a slow jog, then run in interval sprints of 20 to 30 seconds and follow it up by walking at a quick pace to catch your breath for 60 seconds before your next sprint. Do 8 to 10 intervals of running and walking, then cool down with a calm 5 minute walk. This will help you burn fat and also improve your speed and endurance so you can increase your interval time in 2 to 3 weeks. Stick with the treadmill and in no time you’ll be running a 5 mile race. It’s important to start slow as the treadmill puts a lot of stress on the knees, hips, and ankles.
3. Row machine
Chances are the rowing machine is free if you want to use it. This often ignored piece of cardio equipment offers an excellent full body workout while strengthening the arms, shoulders, chest, core, and legs, and putting very low stress on your joints because you’re seated. You’ll tire quickly for the first few times you use this machine, but stick with it. A little rowing burns a whole ton of calories.
4. Stationary bike
Like the treadmill, intervals are your best bang for your buck on a stationary bike. Alternate your cycling with quick bursts of sprints and slower distance pedalling. The stationary bike will help you focus on lower body strengthening while losing weight over your entire body frame. Plus, it’s an excellent choice for gym goers with lower back injuries as it’s low impact. In no time you’ll be ready for a sweaty spin class.
5. Stair climber
Also commonly called the “stairmaster”, this machine literally mimics walking up stairs and it burns some serious calories. A session on the stair climber will strengthen your entire lower body (be prepared for your glutes to really burn) while burning fat on your entire body. You’ll burn a ton more calories for your time on the stairmaster vs. the treadmill if you only have limited time for a workout.