Treating and Managing Cystic fibrosis

Treating and Managing Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a prominent infection in the lungs, which has no proper treatment. This limits the breathing ability of an individual over time. It is a genetic disease; therefore, a specific defect in the gene is likely to cause the formation of thick mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. This mucus disrupts the normal functioning of the organs and calls for cystic fibrosis treatments.

Suffering from cystic fibrosis is painful, so following a doctor recommended cystic fibrosis treatment to manage symptoms may help improve quality of life. Although there is no cure for CF, certain treatments can ease the symptoms of cystic fibrosis.

The following treatments are often recommended for cystic fibrosis:

1. Medicines

You may be prescribed various medications, which are helpful in easing the inflammation of the airways in the lungs. Medicines for thinning the mucus are also availed by many, which minimizes the breathing trouble largely. Additionally, few pancreatic enzymes can be taken orally to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. This, in turn, will help in absorbing nutrients.

2. Chest therapy

Many doctors are likely to recommend this therapy, which involves the administering cupped hands on the front and the back of a patient. Chest therapy helps thin the mucus, which is actually responsible for blocking the airway. This is to be done four to five times a day as part of the most common cystic fibrosis treatments.

3. Vest therapy

You may also be advised to undergo vest therapy. As the name suggests, you will be asked to put on a vest that is equipped to vibrate. A tube or a mask that you may use to breathe may accompany the vest. This physical therapy is likely to reduce the mucus or blockage in the lungs and boost lung capacity

4. Surgery

Often, cystic fibrosis treatments involve surgeries. You may need to remove a certain part from inside your body if it is highly responsible for causing trouble. However, a doctor will guide you regarding all these, based on the stage of fibrosis as well as the intensity of the need for the surgery.

5. Rehabilitation

It is another significant way of treating and managing fibrosis. It usually includes various physical exercises, breathing techniques, as well as counseling. In addition, physical exercises are directly linked to a proper diet too. Therefore, you will be educated about your physical health and also be prescribed a healthy diet in order to recover faster.

6. Lung transplant

Cystic fibrosis treatments may also include lung transplant. If you are experiencing intense breathing troubles, then your doctor may even recommend for undergoing a lung transplant. It is only suggested when you have a condition which is life-threatening or is more complicated. The complications usually arise in the form of resistance to antibiotics that are used for treating lung infections.