Treating Diabetes in Cats and Dogs

Treating Diabetes in Cats and Dogs

Diabetes refers to unproportioned levels of sugar level in the blood of cats and dogs. It is a life-threatening problem that can detrimental to your pet if left untreated. Therefore, the treatment should start immediately after diagnosis of high or low blood sugar. Similar to diabetes in humans, too-low and too-high blood sugar levels can be very dangerous. However, a number of long-term treatment options are available for treating diabetes in cats and dogs, including glucose weight management dog and cat food, as well as insulin medication or injections if necessary.

There are two types of diabetes that can be observed in the cats and dogs, including diabetes mellitus and feline diabetes. Kitten and puppies can began to lose their ability to produce insulin early in life, which results in diabetes development. Obesity is a big risk for diabetes in pets, as well as poor diet and lack of exercise.

What are the symptoms in diabetic cats and dogs?

The main symptoms which will help you to determine diabetes in your pet are as follows:

  • Weakening of back legs
  • Weight loss
  • Dandruff
  • Unkempt coat
  • Lethargy and depression
  • Dehydration
  • Vomiting and loss of appetite

Diabetes in pets can lead to many health issues like coma, paralysis, gangrene, kidney and bladder infection, nerve deterioration, blindness, and cataracts.

Diagnosing diabetes in cats and dogs

Unusual symptoms and changes in behavior are often the first sign of diabetes in pets. Pets that seem stressed out or unusually lethargic, who won’t eat, or drink or urinate more frequently are also concerning. To diagnose diabetes in your pet your will advise a urine and blood test to measure the amount of sugar present in the urine and blood.

Treatment options for diabetes in cats and dogs

Treating diabetes in pets depends upon proper diagnose and monitoring sugar level present in the blood. Pets affected with Type 1 diabetes are prescribed insulin injections, and losing weight is often necessary for them. Thus, the vet will advise for regular aerobic exercise. Glucose weight management cat food will be best in proper management of weight.

Pets affected with type 2 diabetes are prescribed oral medication, weight loss management, and prescribed a balanced diet. Insulin injections are recommended in most cases because it is intravascular and works instantly in maintaining sugar levels in the blood.