Treatments for Colon Cancer

Treatments for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer affects the colon or the large intestine, which is the last part of the digestive system. Initially, colon cancer is benign and known as adenomatous polyps. However, if these polyps are ignored, malignancy can occur, meaning the abnormal cells become cancerous. Typically, colon cancer is diagnosed in the benign stage.

Most instances of colon cancer are diagnosed in patients older than 50-years of age. There are several treatment options that can be recommended by doctors depending on the stage and the progression rate of the cancer. There are various colon cancer treatments available, which are often combined as part of a larger treatment plan. They include:

  1. Cancer surgery

Cancer surgery for colon cancer comes in two forms: less invasive and invasive surgery. With less invasive surgery, the polyps can be removed during the early stage of cancer. A colonoscopy is done to remove the polyps that are localized. Doctors may suggest the patient undergo mucosal resection where a larger part of the polyps is removed along with the colon lining. This is an endoscopic surgery, which can be done with laparoscopy. This requires the surgeon to make a series of small insertions in the wall of the abdomen. Doctors take the guidance of the images of the colon to remove the polyps completely. Invasive surgery for colon cancer is a partial colectomy, in which a section of the colon affected with cancer is removed. This can be also done through laparoscopy. The colon can regain the normal functioning of the digestive system. An ostomy is done if the colon is unable to regain its normal functioning. An opening in the abdomen is made for the excretion of stools. Other invasive processes include the removal of lymph nodes.

  1. Chemotherapy

After the colon cancer screening is done successfully, doctors may go for chemotherapy. In this process, certain drugs are given that inhibit the cancer cells to uncontrollably proliferate. Chemotherapy is given either before the surgery to shrink the size of the tumor, or after the surgery so that the cancer cells do not get re-activated. Chemotherapy is the best tool that helps to relieve the symptoms of cancer.

  1. Radiotherapy

Radiation therapy uses a high-energy beam of protons or X-rays to reduce the size of the tumor or to inactivate the cells from growing. This is a useful way to relieve the symptoms of colon cancer in the later stages. Sometimes, radiation and chemotherapy are given in combination to bring effective results to the patient. Radiation is done after the doctor has determined the cancer stage through colon cancer screening.

  1. Targeted cell drug therapy

The targeted drug therapy is given to the colon cancer patient who is in the advanced stage of cancer. Some of the drugs are Avastin, Vectibix, Zaltrap, and Erbitux. In this process, first, the cancer stage is determined through various colon cancer screening procedure. Following the screening, the cause of mutation, resulting in the uncontrolled proliferation, is determined. Then, the drugs are chosen carefully by the doctors to treat the disease. Some other treatment options include immunotherapy and palliative care.