5 Reasons Why Beauty Sleep is So Important

5 Reasons Why Beauty Sleep is So Important

Getting adequate sleep, on a comfortable mattress, plays an vital role in your overall mental and physical health. For instance, during sleep our bodies are in conservation mode, as they emit a sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin, to aid the cell and muscle repair process. Sleep is also essential for regulation of hormones, memory muscle repair, amalgamation of memories, and for regulating tissue and muscle growth. The average sleep cycle is roughly 90 minutes in length. During this time, sleep stages 1 to 4 consist of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, in which breathing and heart rate decrease, and brain activities decrease, and the majority of repair occurs. During the 5th and final stage of sleep, rapid eye movement (or REM) sleep occurs and dreaming occurs as the brain and body experience energizing effects. Here’s an indepth look at what occurs during sleep: 1. Sleep strengthens immunity Research from the Mayo Clinic indicates that sleep and the immune system go hand in hand. For instance, those not getting adequate quality sleep are not only more prone to sickness (i.e., cold viruses, eczema, and psoriasis), but also likely to remain sick much longer. This is because during sleep, the immune system releases cytokines, a type of protein known as cytokines, which fight stress-induced inflammation and infection or inflammation.
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Hepatitis C: Types and Incidence

Hepatitis C: Types and Incidence

Hepatitis C is a type of viral infection that strikes the liver and causes inflammation of the liver cells (or lymphocyte blood cells), which eventually kills the impacted cells. The hepatitis C virus (or HCV) is typically transmitted by bodily fluids (i.e., blood), which is why the majority of patients contract the virus via needle sharing with an infected individual. However, HCV may also be contracted through blood transfusion, dialysis, organ transplant, sexual contact (STD), body piercings or tattoos with unclean equipment, or via a mother with HCV to child. However, HCV can also remain active outside of a host for up to 3-hours. The World Health Organization has revealed some shocking statistics about hepatitis C (or hep C): On a global level, approximately 71 million are infected with chronic hepatitis C. New cases range between 3- to 4-million new infections annually. HCV is 4x more prevalent compared to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Up to 80% of individuals who contract HCV do so via IV drug use and needle sharing. Out of every 85 people who have chronic HCV infection, roughly 20 will develop cirrhosis, which may lead to liver cancer. Surprisingly, cirrhosis and liver cancer lead to approximately 300,000 deaths annually.
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Foods and Meal Planning to Control Diabetes

Foods and Meal Planning to Control Diabetes

The main aim of any type 1 or type 2 diabetes diet or meal plan should be to manage blood sugar levels within a healthy range. However, experimenting with foods when you have diabetes can send blood glucose levels plummeting or sky rocketing to dangerous levels. The following foods, while keeping blood sugar under control also aim to reduce the risk for several diabetes complications (i.e., heart disease). Here are the foods you should be eating if you have diabetes: 1. Eggs A 2013 research study conducted by scientists at Department of Nutritional Sciences, at the University of Connecticut, tells diabetic patients to “get cracking”! Not only do eggs keep us satiated for longer durations, which is helpful for those of us trying to shed some excess weight, egg consumption in type II diabetics was also found to improve levels of “good” cholesterol, lower inflammation, and boost insulin sensitivity. Eggs were also found to be rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, specific antioxidants that safeguard the eyes and prevent disease that diabetic patients are prone to. 2. Cinnamon The spice that’s sugar and spice and everything nice is a plus for diabetics because of its antioxidant prowess. In fact, research from a 2009 study published by the National Institutes of Health found that patients who consumed cinnamon for a 90-day period significantly reduced blood sugar levels and rates of insulin sensitivity, as well as triglyceride levels and “bad” cholesterol.
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Coping with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Coping with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

If you are among the 12 million U.S. adults living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, a over-aching term used to describe several progressive lung diseases (i.e., refractory non-reversible asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema), you may fear a life dominated by breathlessness. However, while COPD can significantly decrease quality of life when symptoms are unmanaged, a patient with well managed COPD can live quite comfortably with very mild symptoms. If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD, follow your doctor’s treatment plan closely, take your medications as prescribed, and follow these COPD coping tips to reduce your symptoms, decrease hospitalizations, and improve your quality of life: 1. Reduce stress High amounts of stress in your life can only make your COPD symptoms (i.e., breathlessness) and your energy worse, placing stress on your immune system and your heart. While it’s tough to live completely without stress, you can attempt to reduce common stressors in your day to day life: Work pressures Financial stress Toxic relationships Social drama Anger and grief 2. Exercise Getting regular exercise is an ideal way to burn off stress. Daily physical exercise can be as simple as a walk after dinner, yoga, tai chi, swimming, or hiking with your dog.
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Superfoods to Ease Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Superfoods to Ease Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Perimenopause can introduce a deluge of uncomfortable symptoms to the day to day life of an average, healthy woman. Perimenopause or what’s known specifically as the “menopause transition” typically starts 8 to 10 years prior to menopause, when the ovaries completely cease producing eggs. During perimenopause the body gradually produces less hormones, or hormone production can become erratic in production. For instance, estrogen (the main female hormone) is often gradually lowered during perimenopause, which marks changes in reproductive organs (i.e., erratic periods, low libido, and lack of vagina lubrication), hot flashes and night sweats, fatigue, changes in weight and appetite. However, other essential hormones (testosterone and progesterone) can also become irregular leading to hair loss, skin dryness, mood swings, etc., that may start as early as 40- to 50-years old. As with any health condition, the symptoms of both menopause and perimenopause can be greatly reduced with doctor prescribed medications (i.e., synthetic or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy), naturopathic therapies (i.e., vitamins and supplements), as well as adopting a health-filled, balanced diet that aims to reduce symptoms and boost energy. Here are some of the most efficient superfoods to reduce the symptoms of perimenopause: 1. Pumpkin and Squash A colorful array of winter squash can significantly reduce menopausal symptoms such as dry skin, brittle bones (osteoporosis) and hair loss, so says research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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Treating and managing Migraine headaches

Treating and managing Migraine headaches

Migraine headaches are a common issue that affects people of all ages. Sometimes migraine pain may be so frequent and severe that it causes sufferers to miss out on work, social obligations, and greatly impedes quality of life. While most migraine headaches go away on their own with the help of over the counter medicines and by practicing healthy habits, like relieving anxieties and stress, other suffer more severe migraines, or cluster headache, where pain comes and goes in intervals and may cause nausea and vomiting. Here are some useful ways to manage a migraine: 1. Retreating and rest Find yourself a calm environment by turning off the lights and sounds, and trying to relax as much as possible. Migraine headaches often worsen with exposure to light and sound. 2. Try a hot or cold compress Place an ice pack on the top of your head and try to relax. Cold compresses can numbs the pain and dull the ache. Hot compress, on the other hand, relaxes the tense muscles thus relieving the pain in a different way. 3. Sleep well Sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a day to help prevent migraine onset. Fix a schedule for your bedtime and try to go to bed at that same time daily.
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Yoga Poses that Help Relieve Pain

Yoga Poses that Help Relieve Pain

Pain is a natural responsive to external or internal stress. There are tons of reasons associated with pain, both mental and physical in nature, and many drugs and therapies meant to help reduce all types of pain. Yoga is one practice that aims to improve both mental and physical health, including flexibility, stability, strength, and more. Yoga is a generally safe practice for all ages, physical skill levels, and body types. In this article, we’ll discuss some various yoga postures that may help to relieve chronic pain: 1. Shoulder exercises Adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder, is a condition where the shoulders become stiff and painful. The range of motion in the shoulders also become limited. One shoulder rehabilitation exercise proven to help this condition is the shoulder pendulum stretch, to perform Start with relaxed shoulders and feet planted shoulder width apart. The arms hang loosely by swung by the sides. Bend at the hips approximately 75 degrees or more and let your right arm hang down toward the floor. Shift your weight side to side, letting your arm swing side to side. Shift your weight forward and backward, and let your arm swing front to back. Once loose, you can swing one arm at a time in a circle.
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Causes Pathology of Acid Reflux

Causes Pathology of Acid Reflux

The esophageal sphincter is located in the area of the stomach and the esophagus. These lower sphincter muscles are important as they control digestion and block the reverse flow of acid produced naturally by the stomach. If the sphincter muscles at this opening become damaged, acid reflux may result. Acid reflux is a severe condition that results in intermittent regurgitation and symptoms of severe dysphagia, which narrows the esophageal passage, as well as wheezing, hoarseness, sore throat and dry cough. If the episodes of acid reflux occur frequently, you may be diagnosed with a disease called gastroesophageal reflux disorder, or GERD. Causes of acid reflux may be as follows: 1. Stomach abnormality Stomach abnormality, also known as a hiatal hernia, is a common cause of reflux disease. This abnormality develops with age. In this condition, the upper stomach moves to the upper part of the diaphragm. Diaphragm functions to separate the chest and the stomach. When the diaphragm works normally, it prevents the backflow of the acid. In a hiatal hernia, the acid may rise up to the esophagus causing the symptoms to appear like indigestion. 2. Pregnancy Acid reflux is a common condition in women during conception. This condition is triggered with an upheaval in hormone levels in combination with an increase in abdominal pressure due to a growing fetus.
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Treatment Options for ADHD

Treatment Options for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a brain disorder, of which a cure has not yet been established. Doctors who diagnose patients with ADHD often recommend behavioral counselling and sometimes prescribe drugs to manage the symptoms of the disease. One can manage the symptoms of ADHD via the following treatment options: 1. Medications for ADHD The most effective tool to treat ADHD is prescription medication. These medications can be classified into two categories, as stimulatory or non-stimulatory drugs. Stimulatory drugs are enhancers of central nervous systems. They work by triggering the chemicals of the brain like norepinephrine or dopamine. It improves the concentration of the child and enables them to have a long-lasting focus. Non-stimulatory drugs work by increasing norepinephrine levels in the brain helping in increasing memory and attention of the child. 2. Therapy for ADHD Doctors believe that the genetic mutation that triggers ADHD development alters the anatomy of the brain. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has no cure, but with one on one therapy many of the symptoms (i.e., inattention, anger, anxiety) can be addressed and boost the quality of the patient’s day to day life. 3. Psychotherapy Since the disease hinders the brain development and functionality, sometimes psychotherapy is effective in coping with the symptoms of the disease.
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Patients How Nature Aids Depression and Mental Health

Patients How Nature Aids Depression and Mental Health

Nature is a powerful ally for those suffering from depression. Depression is a prominent mood disorder that requires clinical treatment. However, the symptoms of depression have shown to respond positively to nature to help you live a more positive and balanced life. Nature can help ease depressive symptoms in the following ways: 1. Outdoor recreation There are many reasons why mental health centers and programs, such as the famous Mandel Center in Phoenix, Arizona, often commune with nature as a way to help patients ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Firstly, researchers find that taking up a new hobby can trigger positive brain response and reduce depression. Try hiking, meditation, yoga, or tai chi in the outdoors to reverse the effects of depression. 2. Eating from the earth A healthy diet can help you live a more balanced life. In the case of depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction, it is important to have a healthy diet, which reduces the adverse effects of substance abuse. Start by eating according to your body’s needs. Nourish it with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats to boost the brain production of endorphins. 3. Exercise regularly Regular exercise in nature can also help you to fight depression.
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