Types and Staging for Bladder Cancer

Types and Staging for Bladder Cancer

A bladder is an organ situated in the pelvis that functions as a storehouse for urine before its discharged from the body. The bladder considered one of the vital organs of the urinary tract along with the uterus, urethra, and the kidney. The bladder is lined by a cellular layer collectively known as the urothelium. The muscular wall of the bladder is referred to as the muscularis propria. Bladder cancer is caused when these cells of the bladder, particularly the urothelial cells, grow and divide uncontrollably to form abnormal cells or a mass, or tumor. Bladder cancer occurs in several different types, which much be diagnosed by taking a small sample of tumor cells and examining them in a laboratory: 1. Urothelial carcinoma This is the most common type of bladder carcinoma accounting for 90% of bladder cancer patients. As the name suggests, this cancer initiates in the urothelial cells of the urinary tract. This type of carcinoma is also called the transitional carcinoma or TCC. 2. Squamous carcinoma This second type of bladder cancer develops in the squamous cell, as the cells become inflamed. This carcinoma is less common and occurs in only 4% of patients with bladder cancer.
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Screenings and Treatments for Breast Cancer

Screenings and Treatments for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects the breast cells. It is a condition in which the cells of the breast multiply abnormally at faster rates compared to healthy cells. While breast cancer is mainly associated with women, men may also develop this type of cancer. Breast cancer can develop due to a number factors. Common contributing causes of breast cancer include hormone treatments, exposure to radiation, alcohol consumption, body weight, estrogen exposure, highly dense breast tissue, age, and genetics, specifically TP53, BRCAs- BRCA2 and BRCA1, which are known as the breast cancer genes. Breast cancer is further classified according to its place of origination. Breast cancer types can include inflammatory breast cancer, invasive breast cancer, and more, and typically involve these symptoms: Inversion of the nipple, feel like lumps Blood discharge from the nipples Swollen or red lymph nodes Puckering or thickening of the nearby skin Changes in breast or nipple shape Crusting or rash can also occur on the skin or nipples Nipple pain and breast pain Proper screening and diagnosis can helps your oncologist determine the type of breast cancer, including the area of origination, the stage, and a course of effective treatment. It is impossible to determine all these factors without the help of the screening and tests, such as:
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Cervical Cancer Treatments

Cervical Cancer Treatments

Cancer is a disorder that prompts the bodily cells to multiply and spread faster than the normal rate of growth. Cervical cancer in particular, is caused when cancer strikes the cells of the cervix, located in the lower part of a uterus and attached to the vagina, or birth canal. Cervical cancer is mainly divided into three types: squamous cell carcinoma (which affects the exocervix), adenocarcinomas (which affect the gland cells), and adenosquamous carcinoma, however the last type is considered extremely rare. Cervical cancer has many causes many of which are genetic in nature. However, cervical cancer has also been linked to long term use of birth control pills or hormones, several pregnancies, long-term mental stress, smoking, contracting human papillomavirus (HPV) from an infected partner, and weakened immune system. Symptoms of cervical cancer At its initial stage, cervical cancer invades the tissues of the cervix. But, gradually as it progresses, cancerous cells can spread to other internal organs, such as the nearby rectum, vagina, bladder, liver, and lungs. There are a few symptoms which will start pointing that you are affected with cervical cancer: Painful intercourse Pelvic pain Unusually colored and foul smelling urine Abnormal discharge Vaginal bleeding Diagnosing of cervical cancer Proper diagnosing is an important step which will help your oncologist to detect the type of cancer you have.
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The Most Common Cancer Treatments

The Most Common Cancer Treatments

Cancer is considered one of the most common causes of death in North America. It’s a disease that triggers the cells of the body lose control over the cell cycle, as a result the cells grow at abnormal and uncontrollable rates to form a cluster of cells, or tumor. In later stages, the cancer can metastasize, or spread, to other parts of the body. With the advancement of technology, the prognosis for many types of cancer is positive when caught early. The following treatments may help reduce the symptoms, and also stop the disease from progressing. While some treatments are meant to improve the lifespan of cancer patients; others are aimed at shrinking the size of the tumor: 1. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a process where specific drugs are injected into the body to kill cancer cells. Chemo works by inhibiting the abnormal cell cycle machinery and inactivating them to further multiply. 2. Surgery Surgery is done if the cancer cells are localized and have not metastasized. In this process, the tumors, along with a margin of healthy cells, are subsequently removed. 3. Radiation therapy Radiation therapy is a radiology based method where a high-powered beam of energy rays that consist of protons or X-rays is used.
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Treatment Options for Chronic Allergies

Treatment Options for Chronic Allergies

Chronic allergies may be caused by a number of factors like animal, dust, pollen, and food. Sometimes, allergies can be associated with asthma, which is a major respiratory problem. Thus, to treat asthma, allergies must be treated immediately. Proper diagnosis by a physician is used to determine the cause and effect of allergies. one is related to the other, so treatments often aim to treat allergies in order to reduce asthma symptoms. Allergen can be to different things, from dust to pollen and from animal dander to certain foods. Chronic allergies are considered a severe condition, which causes the body to the attack of the foreign intruders via the immune system, or creating an allergic response. Allergies occur in many types with environmental allergies being the most common (i.e., dust smoke, or pollen). These are mainly treated with over the counter medications, or antihistamines. However, other allergies, such as pet dander, can be managed by mainly avoiding contact with animals and using proper medication. Asthma, on the other hand, is a condition of the respiratory system where the bronchial tubes along with bronchi are so affected they respond in an attack, or spasm that restricts the airways limiting oxygen flow to the lungs.
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Treatments for Colon Cancer

Treatments for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer affects the colon or the large intestine, which is the last part of the digestive system. Initially, colon cancer is benign and known as adenomatous polyps. However, if these polyps are ignored, malignancy can occur, meaning the abnormal cells become cancerous. Typically, colon cancer is diagnosed in the benign stage. Most instances of colon cancer are diagnosed in patients older than 50-years of age. There are several treatment options that can be recommended by doctors depending on the stage and the progression rate of the cancer. There are various colon cancer treatments available, which are often combined as part of a larger treatment plan. They include: Cancer surgery Cancer surgery for colon cancer comes in two forms: less invasive and invasive surgery. With less invasive surgery, the polyps can be removed during the early stage of cancer. A colonoscopy is done to remove the polyps that are localized. Doctors may suggest the patient undergo mucosal resection where a larger part of the polyps is removed along with the colon lining. This is an endoscopic surgery, which can be done with laparoscopy. This requires the surgeon to make a series of small insertions in the wall of the abdomen.
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Treating and Managing Cystic fibrosis

Treating and Managing Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a prominent infection in the lungs, which has no proper treatment. This limits the breathing ability of an individual over time. It is a genetic disease; therefore, a specific defect in the gene is likely to cause the formation of thick mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. This mucus disrupts the normal functioning of the organs and calls for cystic fibrosis treatments. Suffering from cystic fibrosis is painful, so following a doctor recommended cystic fibrosis treatment to manage symptoms may help improve quality of life. Although there is no cure for CF, certain treatments can ease the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. The following treatments are often recommended for cystic fibrosis: 1. Medicines You may be prescribed various medications, which are helpful in easing the inflammation of the airways in the lungs. Medicines for thinning the mucus are also availed by many, which minimizes the breathing trouble largely. Additionally, few pancreatic enzymes can be taken orally to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. This, in turn, will help in absorbing nutrients. 2. Chest therapy Many doctors are likely to recommend this therapy, which involves the administering cupped hands on the front and the back of a patient.
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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs

Drug and alcohol addiction are prevalent diseases in our society and patients often require professional treatment to overcome it and live a sober life. There are a number of treatment programs which you must choose from including: Long term and short term residential treatment Long-term residential Treatment Outpatient programs Group therapy Drug counselling Court appointed treatment Here are the differences: 1. Long term residential drug treatment Long-term residential treatment programs are offered to patients as 24 hour care in a institutional or non-hospital environment. The best inpatient drug rehab centers deliver long-term residential treatment with utmost excellence. The therapeutic community (TC) model is followed to offer a highly structured program to patients and may include counselling, group therapy, art therapy, physical exercise, and anger management, all meant to help a patient live sober free once they leave the facility. 2. Short-term residential treatment Short-term residential treatment programs allow patients to stay at a drug or alcohol center for a shorter period of time. They typically last for durations of 6 weeks of in hospital treatment and offer other therapies akin to long term treatment. A strong support outside of rehab is important to an outpatient care program to reduce the chances of relapse.
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Common Causes of Dry Eyes

Common Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a condition when eyes are not adequately lubricated. This may develop a constant burning sensation. In some cases, the eyes become sensitive to light and the vision becomes blurred. This condition arises when the tear formation is not enough to lubricate the eye. This can be quite uncomfortable that may aggravate in certain situations like bike riding, on an airplane or looking at the screen of a computer for long. The interruption of the optimum tear formation can depend on several factors. Tears are a mixture of fatty oils, mucus, and water. This secretion helps to smoothen and clear the surface of the eye and also contains compounds that prevent infection. Here are the common causes of dry eyes: 1. Inadequate tear production This problem is primarily caused when the eyes are unable to secrete natural tears. This can be triggered by several factors like aging, damage to tear gland or laser surgery of the eye. Tear gland may get damaged due to exposure to radiation and inflammation. After the age of 50, the natural pathway of production of tears gets diminished. 2. Certain medications Many drugs can also reduce the secretion of tears. These medications are often used for treating other diseases, such as diuretics, beta blocker medication, antihistamines to treat allergy, sleeping pills, and heartburn medication.
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Difference between Treating Eczema vs. Atopic Dermatitis

Difference between Treating Eczema vs. Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema and atopic dermatitis are very similar conditions when it comes to their symptoms and their treatment. This is because various types of allergic skin rashes and skin inflammation are referred to eczema, atopic dermatitis is one of these types. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition characterized by periodic flare ups, or skin attacks, usually accompanied by hay fever or asthma. When the skin experiences an acute flare up of eczema or atopic dermatitis symptoms of inflammation, redness, itchiness, cracked and rough, raised skin patches can occur. However, atopic dermatitis differs from eczema in these ways: Papules, or crusty, small and raised bumps develop Lichenification, or leathery and skin can result from constant rubbing and scratching Atopic pleat, or extra folds can develop under the eyes Keratosis pilaris, or rough bumps can develop on the different parts of the skin- thigh, face and upper arm Cheilitis or skin inflammation, can occur near the lips Common treatments for eczema include: 1. Moisturizing the skin Dermatologists will often advise regular bathing for eczema in order to moisturize the skin. Using topical skin moisturizers that contain PUVA and barrier creams can help the skin retain moisture. 2. Topical medications Medications for eczema may include PDE4 Inhibitors, Corticosteroids (steroids), and Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors (TCIs) are effective to provide relief from rashes, redness, and itchiness.
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