Superfoods to Help Relieve Gout

Superfoods to Help Relieve Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis, caused when the level of uric acid in the body rises. Eventually, this uric acid may get deposited in the joints in the form of crystals. These uric acid crystals may accumulate in the joints to cause arthritis. This uric acid is biosynthesized from purine-rich foods. Once uric acid is formed, it is excreted through urine. Gout is caused when the uric acid is not eliminated and the level builds up in the blood. Since the up-regulation of uric acid relies upon the food that we intake, a proper check on the diet can reduce the recurrence of the disease. There are some foods that have been accepted to be beneficial to cure and prevent gouty arthritis. These foods are regarded as superfoods that help reduce gout symptoms: 1. Apples Apples are flushed with malic acid, which functions to neutralize the effect of elevated uric acid present in the blood. Thus, the patients can include apples in their daily diet to get relief from joint pain. 2. Lime juice Lime is composed of citric acid that regulates the levels of uric acid. It makes the uric acid soluble and brings down the level of uric acid accumulated in the blood.
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The Health Benefits of Lemongrass

The Health Benefits of Lemongrass

The lemongrass is a refreshing herb with several health benefits. Lemongrass is related to the lemon as both have a similar fragrance. Since ancient times, this grass has been regarded as and therapeutic medicine for natural detoxification and for regulating the body’s metabolic functions. Lemongrass is considered beneficial in treating a number of diseases (i.e., several types of anti-inflammatory diseases and cancers) as it maintains the lipid profile. Read on to discover the many vital health benefits of lemongrass: 1. Anti-inflammatory for gout The oil extracted from lemongrass is effective in lowering high levels of uric acid as well as chronic inflammation and pain. Thus, lemongrass is often used to treat gout pain caused due to excess uric acid crystal deposits. Reports suggest that the best effect can be achieved if lemongrass oils are extracted directly from the stalk and consumed daily. 2. Relieves stress and anxiety Lemongrass stalks are often used as part of aromatherapy to enhance mood and reduce stress. Lemongrass scent is also used to help promote sleep. 3. Natural pain-reliever Lemongrass contains an anti-inflammatory substance known as citral, which is effective in treating chronic inflammation due to arthritis, or gouty arthritis. The oil can be applied or taken orally to reduce the pain and inflammation.
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Successful Hair Loss Treatments

Successful Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss is caused by several reasons. It may be hereditary, or a trait carried from one parent to their children, or a grandparent to subsequent generations. In other instances, patients may suffer from a disease or condition that causes patches of hair on the head to fall out (i.e., hormonal imbalance). Some people just experience hair thinning with advanced age. The loss of hair is more common among males compared to females. For many, hair loss can be a demoralizing condition due to some underlying health abnormality. Although researchers claim that there are several effective ways to treat hair loss in both women and men, the most successful treatment plans include the following: 1. Hair loss medication Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder where the immune cells are triggered to attack the hair follicles. This dramatically slows the growth and formation of the hair. This can be treated with certain medication, but a complete cure is yet not known. Corticosteroids are given and act as an anti-inflammatory drug to suppress the immune system. Corticosteroids can be orally taken, injected, or used as topical ointments. Other hair loss medications, such as anthralin, DPCP, and the SADBE aid hair re-growth and new hair formation.
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Thyroid Disease Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Disease Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located at the front of the neck. It produces the essential hormones that coordinate the metabolic functioning of the body. This gland mainly produces two hormones: T4 or thyroxine and T3, or triiodothyronine. These hormones are stimulated by TSH produced by the pituitary gland. The precursor molecule of the thyroid hormone is iodine. Iodine is supplemented to the body through foods like common table salt. Deficiency of iodine can lead to a number of thyroid diseases. Even excessive thyroid hormone production can cause a number of ailments. What’s the difference between hypothyroidism vs. hypothyroidism? 1. Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition that arises due to the over-stimulation of the thyroid gland. There are several reasons for the over stimulation, one of the common cause is the Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune cells to attack the healthy cells of the thyroid gland. Due to these attacks, the gland becomes over stimulated, producing more hormones than required. Hyperthyroidism is less commonly caused by toxic nodular or multinodular structures. An excess of thyroid hormone due to hyperthyroidism may cause the following symptoms: Too fast metabolism Accelerated heart rate and palpitations Hands and legs shake Muscle weakness Frequent bowel movements Anxiety and agitation Excessive sweating Loss of weight Bulging eyes Osteoporosis Irregular menstruation in women 2.
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Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a disorder that results in mild to severe digestive problems. IBS can be associated with a number of uncomfortable and negative health issues like constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, depression, anxiety, and stress. It generally refers to intestinal upset. There are various treatments for the IBS. But, before starting the treatment the physician has to determine the cause and triggers of your specific IBS: Intestinal infections Gut inflammations Imbalanced or poor diet Bile acid malabsorption Certain foods, such as fried fatty foods, processed snacks, refined sugar, fizzy drinks, and alcohol, and even caffeine IBS is a health condition that affects digestion and bowel movements primarily in both acute and severe bouts. IBS can also cause bloating, stomach cramps, and constipation or diarrhea so severe that it impedes quality of life. Although, there are no particular tests used to diagnose IBS, doctors will typically observe for the above mentioned symptoms and recommend a blood test to detect any serious disease or infection. The most common IBS symptoms are: 1. Irregular bowel habits The common symptoms IBS patients face are irregular bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhea, and swelling, cramping, or bloating of the stomach. 2.
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Immunotherapy Cancer Treatments

Immunotherapy Cancer Treatments

Immunotherapy is a modern way to treat cancer by utilizing the immune system as a powerful way to destroy cancer cells and control the progression of the disease. Cancer immunology is recognized in several types, and doctors may recommend it as a sole cancer treatment, or in collaboration with more traditional cancer treatments (i.e., chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery). These are the main immunotherapy treatments used for treating cancer: 1. Checkpoint inhibitors of the immune cells This type of immunotherapy is typically used to treat melanoma or skin cancer, as well as kidney and bladder cancers. There is a protein produced to control the activity of the T lymphocytes within the immune system, and so cancer can occur when this protein is produced in an excess, essentially hindering the activity of the immune cells that act against cancer. However, by administering checkpoint inhibitor therapy, this protein is blocked and the T cells retains function and kill cancer. of the T cells is retained. 2. Cytokines Cytokines are sometimes used to treat cancers, like melanoma. Cytokines are chemicals specifically produced by the immune cells. They function by signaling the immune system to work appropriately. Lymphoma is cancer where the immune cells, particularly the lymphocytes, become infected.
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How Iron Injections Can Benefit Health

How Iron Injections Can Benefit Health

Iron is an essential nutrient required for the production of hemoglobin. Two-thirds of the iron in the body is used for the production of hemoglobin, which is an important part of red blood cell (RBC) production. RBCs transport oxygen to various body parts. Thus, if iron is deficient in the body, a person becomes anemic. Without sufficient amount of hemoglobin, the oxygen supply becomes insufficient and essential bodily function is reduced. Iron injections involve injecting iron directly into muscles if the dietary iron is not enough to curb the symptoms of the deficiency. Iron injections are generally given in the buttock region. People whose gut wall does not absorb adequate iron can adopt this method to reduce the severity of iron deficiency as well as for the following benefits: 1. Immediate iron recovery A patient who has low iron will be advised to take infusions of iron to rebalance iron levels in the bloodstream to combat severe anemia. 2. Prolonged benefits In women, menstruation is a common reason for chronic iron loss. In this case iron shots are helpful in raising low levels of iron for several months. Children who are iron deficient are given these shots to make their body function effectively for growth.
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Screening and Treating Kidney

Screening and Treating Kidney

A kidney is a vital organ and part of the excretory system, which purifies the blood. This bean-shaped organ is located on either side of the spinal cord. Kidney cancer, or renal cancer, develops in the inner lining of the renal tubules and depletes the functioning of kidney. In most instances of kidney cancer, symptoms will appear before the cancer cell metastasis, or spreads to other nearby tissues and organs. Thus, the prognosis for renal carcinoma is good when the cancer diagnosed in the early stages. Renal cancer screened in the early stages will determine the stage of cancer. Kidney cancer screening is done through these diagnostic procedures and tests: 1. Urine and blood test The urine and blood are tested to detect the underlying cause of the symptoms. This generally tests the red blood count (RBC) present in the blood as well as screens the urine for the presence of cancerous cells, bacteria, or blood. These indications may indicate the occurrence of kidney carcinoma. 2. Biopsy A biopsy is a common kidney cancer screening tool that removes a small portion of tissue from the kidney for lab examination. The samples are sent to the lab to search for abnormal cell indications of cancer.
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Leukemia Prime Types and Causes

Leukemia Prime Types and Causes

Leukemia is the other name for what is commonly known as blood cancer. Leukemia specifically affects the tissues that form blood, that is, both the lymphatic system as well as the bone marrow. Leukemia is most common among children, when the white blood abruptly grows and start spreading. As a result, it affects the bone marrow and thereby affects the entire immune system. Leukemia can be classified in a number of ways depending on the type of cells involved as well as how fast leukemia spreads. The prime types of leukemia are as follows: ALL: Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia is the common type of leukemia, which is prevalent in children. However, it can occur in the case of adults too. AML: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia is another most common type, which is commonly found to occur in children and adults. Both these acute leukemia involve the unusual growth and spreading of the cancerous blood cells. This hampers the normal functions, and thus leukemia spreads rapidly. CLL: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia is the common chronic leukemia. However, the worst part of this cancer is that it does not have any prominent symptoms. Due to this, you can live fine for many years until you reach the last stage.
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Common Treatments for Lung Cancer

Common Treatments for Lung Cancer

The lung is a vital organ within the respiratory system that supplies the body with oxygen. Lung cancers are classified as one of the most common causes of death in the U.S. Men who smoke are at a greater risk of having this type of cancer, but women who smoke are also at great risk. Lung cancer can even develop in those who are infrequent smokers and exposed to secondhand smoke. In the earlier stages of lung cancer, the signs may go undetected. The symptoms become grave as the lung cancer enters the later stages with telltale symptoms such as persistent cough, pain in the chest, breath shortness, and weight loss. Some other serious symptoms of lung cancer include bone pain. Thus, lung cancer screening and treating are essential to decide upon a course of treatment, which may include one or a combination of the following: 1. Surgery In surgery a part of the lung is removed that has the abnormal growth of the cell. This is done when the cancer is localized. These are several procedures to treat lung cancer, including: Lobectomy is a process where the lung lobe is removed completely. A wedge resection is a surgical method where a portion of the affected region of lung along with the adjacent healthy tissues is removed.
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