OverviewTypes of Lymphoma

OverviewTypes of Lymphoma

Lymphoma is known for its damaging impact on the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system in the human body acts as a barrier against the infections in the white blood cells. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that occurs in various body parts, but mostly attacks lymph nodes. One of the first signs of lymphoma is detection of a painless and inflamed lymph node. Read on to discover the various types of Lymphoma in detail: 1. Hodgkin’s Lymphomas Perhaps the rarest kind of lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma is mainly characterized by the presence of Reed Sternberg cells, which are detected with the help of a microscope. Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be further divided into subcategories: Mixed cellularity Nodular sclerosing Lymphocyte-rich, or which there are only one in 20 cases 2. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most rampant types of lymphoma cancer. This category of lymphoma is divided into almost 61 subtypes. It is different from Hodgkin’s lymphoma in that it does not occur due to the presence of Reed Sternberg cells. A large number of types exists under this type of lymphoma so, generally, chromosomal features are used for distinguishing the exact type. In fact, the origination from T or B cell is also a determining factor.
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Treatments for Melanoma Skin Cancer

Treatments for Melanoma Skin Cancer

Melanoma is a severe form of skin carcinoma where the melanocytes of the skin become abnormal, or cancerous. The melanocytes are responsible for the production of melanin pigment, or skin color pigment. Melanoma generally caused by natural or artificial exposure of UV radiation. The main sign of skin cancer is changes in the skin (i.e., moles). This may result in an abnormal skin cell growth that has an altered pigmentation or existing mole changes. Overexposure to UV rays may cause genetic mutation leading to this abnormality. Although melanoma is a grave condition, treatment is possible depending on the cancer stage and progression. Here are some common early stage melanoma treatment options: 1. Biopsy In the early stage, abnormal moles or skin pigmentation is restricted to a single area. In this stage, the thin melanoma can be entirely removed through biopsy. The surgeon may sometimes remove the entire tissue layer lying around the unhealthy development of the skin. Successive skin layers can also be removed with the aid of surgery. In the later stage, melanoma can spread to distant organs and tissues and may include the following treatment options: 1. Surgery If the skin cancer spreads beyond the localized skin to the adjacent lymph nodes, surgery may be necessary to remove the melanoma along with the adjacent lymphatic node.
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Targeted Cancer Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

Targeted Cancer Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

Targeted treatments for cancer entail the targeted killing of cancerous cells. In the case of multiple myeloma, the plasma cells are affected. Therefore, it becomes imperative to treat and target these abnormal cells and their disruption of the immune system. The drugs used in targeted treatment attach to the surface of protein receptors of the cancerous cells. Similar to any other type of cancer, treating multiple myeloma with targeted cancer treatments may be used alone or combined with other common cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The main objective of targeted cancer treatment is to get rid of cancerous cells without harming the surrounding healthy cells and tissues. As a result, you may undergo any of the below-mentioned treatments: 1. Prescribed medicines With multiple myeloma, the cancerous white blood cells accumulate near the bone marrow, greatly damaging the body’s immunity. However, myeloma cells differ from person to person, as far as structure. Vemurafenib is the most common medication used to target abnormal multiple myeloma cells. This medicine aims to slow the growth and spread of cancer cells while destroying the cancer. 2. Protease inhibitors Proteasome inhibitors are meant for removing the unwanted proteins from the cancer cells. As a result, in the absence of the proteins, the cancer cells are not able to perform their function properly, get involved with the faulty proteins, and thereafter die out.
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Ovarian Cancer Treatments

Ovarian Cancer Treatments

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common female cancers that originates in the ovaries, often near end of the fallopian tubes. The ovaries consist of 3 types of cells, which can prompt 3 different kinds of tumors to form in the ovaries. These tumors are known as stromal tumors, germ cell tumors, and epithelial tumors. All of these tumors are non-malignant except the epithelial tumor, which has a low chance of malignancy. Ovarian cancer may or may not show any symptoms to the body. Rather, a woman who is affected with it may experience pain in the pelvis and in the lower abdomen, gastrointestinal upset including nausea, indigestion, irregular bowel habits, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Diagnosing and screening of the ovarian cancer Seeking diagnosis at the first sign of symptoms is important for detecting ovarian cancer at its early stage and for effective cancer treatment. Oncologists will often prescribe several tests for properly diagnosing your cancer stage and progression. The basic tests which are necessary for detecting the effectiveness of an ovarian cancer include: Imaging tests Pelvic exams Blood tests to check for other health issues, and BRCA mutations Treatment options for ovarian cancer There are a number of treatments for ovarian cancer treatment that your oncologist may recommend according to the stage of ovarian cancer.
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Treating Dyskinesia for Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Treating Dyskinesia for Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Parkinson’s disease is itself a life-threatening and painful disease, if kept untreated. Tremors and stiff limbs are associated with this disease. But uncontrollable and involuntary movements like the swaying of head and fidgeting are some symptoms of a condition known as dyskinesia. However, dyskinesia is not actually a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, but rather a side effect associated with taking a commonly prescribed Parkinson’s drug, called Levodopa. Patients taking levodopa for quite some time, or patients taking a high dose of the drug may experience uncomfortable tremors that may interrupt with daily life. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce dyskinesia, or the uncomfortable side effects of levodopa, including: 1. Changing your dosage Talking to your doctor about changing the dosage of the drug can relieve many of the uncomfortable symptoms of dyskinesia. More than 600 mg per day can often trigger this uncontrollable side effect, while lowering the dose gradually can often ultimately reduce this problem. 2. Tweak your medication time To control the Parkinson’s tremors, levodopa is often recommended to be taken in between meals. But some patients who are taking this medication for quite some time may feel that the effects of the medicine end after four hours.
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How Probiotic Supplements Benefit Health

How Probiotic Supplements Benefit Health

Probiotics are living microbes that are taken through food supplements. A healthy gut naturally houses a plethora of bacteria that functions to balance overall health and digestion. There is a wide range of health benefits associated with the bacteria of the gut. However, these bacteria may get depleted due to several reasons. Probiotics are taken in sufficient amount to restore the balance between the bad and good bacteria in the gut. Here are the benefits of these food supplements: 1. Maintain a healthy weight Including probiotics in diet can help to lose weight. The loss of weight can be triggered by several pathways. One of the important pathways is that it prevents fats accumulation and absorption in the body. Rather, the fats are excreted. Thus, through increasing the level of GLP-1 hormone, the dietary fats are less stored and burnt as calories. 2. Trigger the immune response The gut microbes that are friendly are promoted while the bad bacteria are eliminated. This is done by triggering the immune cells like the Natural killer, IgA producer, and the T cells. Lactobacillus crispatus can curb the UTIs. Reports also reveal that Lactobacillus GG is effective to reduce the severity of the respiratory disease.
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Prostate Cancer Risks and Causes

Prostate Cancer Risks and Causes

Prostate cancer is a male cancer in which the prostate glands are severely affected. The prostate gland is an important internal organ in men. This walnut-sized gland is located between the bladder and the penis with the urethra running through the center of the prostate, allowing for urine elimination. Prostate cancers exist in several types of adenocarcinomas, according to the appearance and size. They are: Transitional cell carcinomas Neuroendocrine Tumors Small Cell Carcinomas Sarcomas Prostate cancer is considered a slow progressing cancer, and few patients die due to this type cancer. However, if left unmonitored or treated, prostate cancer may affect the prostate function as well as that of surrounding tissues and organs. Symptoms of prostate cancer Prostate cancer is just similar to other types of cancer, which means it may not show any symptoms in the early stage. But, patients affected with mid or late stage prostate cancer may experience the following health problems in the body: Bloody semen The flow of urine decreases Pain and burning during urination Frequent urination urges at night Swelling in the pelvic area and legs Bone pain Erectile dysfunction Painful ejaculation The above mentioned health issues may emerge with small tumors, but tend to progress as tumors gradually increase or metastasize.
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Shaving and Hair Removal Safety for Women

Shaving and Hair Removal Safety for Women

Everyone desires flawless skin. Hair removal for women is an important chore that most feel they must regularly perform. In the process, the unwanted hairs are removed from the skin. However, most common hair removal techniques cost both time and money. Here are the most popular and effective hair removal techniques: 1. Shaving Shaving is the cheapest way to remove hair in less time. This does not need any sophisticated tools and can be conveniently done at home using a common purpose razor. It is less cumbersome and causes no pain although after shaving, the skin may have a stubby and blunt tip of new hairs. This phase may be quite noticeable. It is effective to remove the hairs from the legs, ankles, underarms, and bikini areas. The merit of shaving is it gives an extra close finish. 2. Waxing Waxing is the best process to get a smooth finish for extended periods. A large portion of the hair on the skin is cleared at once with this process. This is done through a cool or a warm wax that is placed against the upper skin flapped with the unwanted hairs that can be longer than 1/4 th of an inch.
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Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects the air pathways during sleep. It’s caused when the underlying muscles of the throat (or vulva, which is the palate) relax, which leads to a narrowing of the airway and obstructs the air that is inhaled. The oxygen supply to the body, in turn, gets reduced and snoring, or breathing cessation may occur. During a bout of sleep apnea, the brain senses this oxygen restriction, and wakes the body up by choking, snoring, or gasping in natural response. Sleep apnea becomes severe by causing continuous episodes of breathing cessation and sleep disruptions. However, there is hope to regain normal sleep through sleep apnea and chronic snoring treatment such as these: 1. Continuous airway pressure (CPAP) therapy Continuous airway pressure, or CPAP, is a therapy that treats severe to moderate symptoms of sleep apnea. This therapy employs a machine that supplies air through a mass air pressure greater than that of the open airway passage. A CPAP machine or mask is worn during sleep to keep the throat of the patient open and oxygen flow positive. 2. Bi-level airway pressure (BPAP) therapy Bi-level airway pressure, or BPAP, can be used when oxygen flow is restricted and breathing cessation occurs.
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Prime Types of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Prime Types of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscle atrophy, or SMA, is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. This is an autosomally recessive trait that causes damage to the motor neuron supplying the spinal cord. This, in turn, disrupts the functioning and movement of the voluntary muscle. This is primarily caused as the muscle does not get the natural nerve stimulation that enables them to coordinate. Atrophy means shrinking or reducing in size, which happens in muscle as a small portion of the muscle is active. SMA is mainly caused by the mutation of chromosome 5 that translates an SMN protein, which is essential for the function of the motor neurons. This protein is necessary so that the motor neuron is able perform the motor transmission with impulse. The most common genetic cause is an SMN1 gene on chromosome 5. This may be caused due to epigenetic alteration, meaning the non-chromosomal part adjacently placed to the SMN causes the disease. SMA is classified in types ranging from 1 to 4 as follows: 1. Type 1 SMA Also called infantile onset SMA, or Werdnig- Hoffmann syndrome, type 1 SMA is generally diagnosed from birth to 6 months of age. Prime symptoms of SMA type 1 include muscle weakness, breathing trouble, weak cry, and trouble swallowing and sucking.
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